Sep 17, 2009

Its gotta be morning by now..right? No? Back to bed.

By the time we returned to our home away from home, we were getting pretty tired. The jet lag started to kick in and we were ready for some dinner and shut eye.

My husband was hell bent he needed a beer so we stopped off at Le Mazet on the other side of St. Michel in closer to the St. Germain district than the Latin Quarter but still close enough to get us back home quick.

After his needs for fermented hops was filled, we headed to the pizzeria under our hotel and decided pizza was going to be our first meal in Paris.

This is a continuing theme that my husband started when he went to Toulouse for business last fall. He too had pizza as his first French meal.

We scanned the different types of pizzas and my husband joked about how the French like their eggs...on everything....including pizza.

While I was intrigued as to what pizza tasted like with a yolky egg in the middle tasted like, I wasn't in the mood for too much experimenting. That would be for another day when my eyesight and taste buds weren't so blurring.

We opted for the 'Quatre Saisons' (four seasons) which had veggies and 'bacon' (cured ham).

Newly fed and now really starting to get tired we headed to our room. We did our best to stay awake until 7pm Paris time (about noon CST Sunday) but we passed out.

This was the beginning to several awakenings that night. The first for me was at about 9pm Paris time. The noise coming thru the slightly open patio door made me think it must be morning. I checked my watch thru very blurred vision, only to discover that it was only 9pm.

The noise below was coming from the dinner crowd. The French eat much later than we are accustomed too. At our house, we eat dinner at 5:30/6pm. The French, they eat at 8/9pm.

I stumbled backt to back to bed, only to be re awakened at 11pm, then 2am and finally 7am. At 7am, I decided that was it, I was getting up. I was really groggy but I couldn't take it anymore.

Around 9am, we were both awake and needing coffee. Jet lag was not going to get the better of us, we had the City of Lights to explore!


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