Sep 17, 2009

Gracious, that's a long way up! Just don't look down..

After buying our Moulin Rouge tickets for Friday night and having lunch, we headed off into Montmartre to find Sacre Coeur.

Paris' Right Bank (Rive Droite) seems to be on a higher level than the Left Bank. So the basilica Sacre Coeur, is up a hill. Way up a hill. So high up that there is a trolley bus and a Funicular.

Here in lays my defeat. I'm a terrified of heights. Panic attack sized terrified of heights. Add to that the lack of sleep from jet lag, being in a unfamiliar city and you have a very bad Mommy Jeans day.

I had been having small panic moments through out the trip but the hike up to Sacre Coeur was the pinnacle of these moments. But I really wanted to see Sacre Coeur. It was a battle of emotions and slow walking.

I barely made it up the hill and much less take any pictures. Most of the pictures taken were by my husband. You aren't allowed AT ALL to take shots inside the church. That was maddening because it was a) the most well lit of all the churches we visited and b) it was among the most grand.

After we left the church, visited the gift shop and headed back down, my brain returned to normal. I still had the fear of crossing over bridges that spanned the Seine but those were very minor compared to the trip up the great big hill.

At the base of the hill, where these fountains that are strewn throughout Paris. They are basically fountains designed to bring up water to refresh yourself. I can only wonder if that is what started Parisians to wear scarves around their necks constantly. If you refresh yourself, you need something to dry off your face with, ergo a thin scarf.


The exterior of Sacre Coeur


Just under the church arches


A zoomed in look at the center of one of the arches interior


I'm not sure what this is but it is next to the Church so I would suspect maybe a monastery or priests' quarters.


A refreshing fountain


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