Sep 16, 2009

Give it your best, Orville!

Well, we left for Paris on September 5. It was a warm day in Kansas, made worse by my nerves about leaving my young daughter for the first time for more than a few hours with her paternal grandparents.

My husband had advised me to purchase a shirt to wear on the plane that wicked away the moisture as we would be canned into the planned like a sardine for 8 hours and very little capacity to move. No moving, sweating and sardine like makes you stink.

Planes are never hot but they are often drafty. So I had purchase a black moisture control tee from Dick's in mid summer and then proceeded to agnonize over when would go best to look with the moisture control shirt. I wanted to be as chic as possible to glide through French customs and look as fresh as a daisy after 10 hours of travel time.

Sorry, Angelina Jolie I'm not so I went with a basic grey thin cardigan I bought online (and prayed to the fashion gods that it would fit) from Target. When we landed in Paris, I looked pretty decently...despite being shoe horned into my seat...see the 'Oh no, you didn't!' post to hear about the flight over...

When I fly out of town, I always feel a bit like the mice from the Rescuers when they are flying in their sardine can strapped to the albatross' back. I have to stop myself from screaming a jubliant "Weee!" when we safely get off the ground.


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